A weekly meeting schedule

This article will be relevant for you if your company is embarking on an ERP changeover. This is a baseline for a communication plan during the process. In a NetSuite SuiteSuccess Implementation communication and execution are key.

Jack Ring

Monday: Kick-off & Friday Wrap-up

Super users must be inspired to make bold decisions with clarity and confidence. A weekly 20 minute one on one kick off meeting with the project manager and executive sponsor will get the week off to a great start.

Wednesday: One-on-one with the PM

Super users must be willing to dig-in and embrace the opportunity to drive exception-based management out of the business. Cross-functional teamwork and constant communication with other Super Users will keep the project on track and lead to a better outcome.

Friday: Wrap-Up

A debrief is a great way to just let go for the weekend. The plan will not be perfect. Things will change, some ambitious expectations will not work out, others will. Keeping communication regular and open with a flexible plan will result in a better overall outcome

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