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A Simple Method to Freeze Inventory During a NetSuite Inventory Count

If your company runs on NetSuite and you would like to assure that there are no inventory movements of any kind across your organization during an inventory count, then this simple workflow could help.


Bank Deposit Process in NetSuite

Make a Deposit in NetSuite to record funds you deposit into your bank account. Record Customer payments in the Undeposited Funds bank account. Use deposits to move funds from your undeposited funds bank account to your GL bank account when payments are physically deposited into the bank. This allows you to keep your GL bank account balance and the Actual bank account in sync.


A Technique to Help Alleviate Duplicate Customers in NetSuite

If your company runs on Oracle NetSuite and you find that your users continually create duplicate customers even after training and retraining, you may consider that their global search results are not as helpful as they could be. This article explains a technique that your administrators can use to help everyone in your organization do a better job searching for and finding existing customer records before creating a new ones.


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