Use Message Banners in NetSuite To Reinforce Important Protocols

This article demonstrates how to create an elegant message banner across the top of the estimate form. This will display when there is an informative note about a customer. Another application may be used to trigger a banner to show when there is a past due amount.

This design pattern utilizes a client script, the SuiteScript message module and a custom body field on the customer record.

Jack Ring

A Business Case

Our Client wanted to display notable information about a customer to the employee on transaction creation or edit. Any given customer may or may not have a custom alert note.

The following is not intended to say that this is the only way to accomplish this outcome nor is it intended to be a lesson in suitescript theory or otherwise. It is meant to serve as a general outline.

(1) Create a Custom Entity Field


We take great care to be good stewards in a NetSuite environment. Note the internal id naming convention. We follow a strict structure where in the above screenshot << _ep_ >> is a two character abbreviation representing the company. This indicator allows a client to readily identify things that they have customized as opposed to what was created by a third-party bundle.

(2) Build the Client Script


Line 13: pageInit() is used to trigger evaluation if the transaction was spawned from the add new button on the customer record or was previously created and is simply being edited.
Line 21: fieldChanged() is used to trigger evaluation if the transaction was spawned (customer independent) from the add new button located above the NetSuite center tab on any page.
Line 31: lookupFields function is used in the search SuiteScript module to get our custom entity field value from the customer.
Line 46: hide the banner if the employee has switched the customer and the new customer has no custom alert.

The Successful Business Outcome


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