Unintentional Closure of Sales Order Line: Assessing Its Frequency

Discover the process of creating a NetSuite saved search to generate reports for closed lines on sales orders that are not cancelled or billed.

Jack Ring

Create a New Saved Search

Ensure that you are logged in with the Administrator role or a role granting at least view access to Sales Order transaction records and the Publish Search permission if you plan to share this search with others. Then, follow these steps:

  • From the Center Tab menu located at the top of your NetSuite interface, select "Create New Saved Search" by navigating to "Reports" > "New Search."
  • In the "Search Type" list, click on the "Transaction" link.


In the Standard Criteria subtab

  • Provide an appropriate name for your new search.
  • On the "Standard Criteria" subtab, configure your criteria to match the settings shown in the screenshot above.
  • We are filtering for ones that are not already billed or cancelled
  • We are filtering for ones that are not already billed or cancelled
  • Note that we are filtering lines that are marked as closed


In the Results subtab

  • Set the columns you wish to see.
  • Add internal ID. You may choose to sort by internal ID descending to show the most recent occurrences first.
  • Add Date, Document number, Name and Item so we can see customer name, offending transaction and item in question. You may want to add quantity and amount to see the full impact.


This is a valuable report, serving as a short-term solution for auditing user activities to prevent unintentional errors.

In this business scenario, we harnessed NetSuite's Saved Search feature to provide the company with valuable insights into user interactions with the system. Additionally, we have the capability to incorporate charts, graphs, and virtually any other visualization tools to further enhance data analysis.

NetSuite equips you with a comprehensive set of tools to maximize the efficiency of your software investment, benefiting both your team and the broader business. If you ever require assistance from experts in business process optimization, please feel free to contact us without hesitation.

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