Creating a NetSuite Saved Search for Tracking Invoice Payments in a Specific Month


Discover the process of constructing a NetSuite saved search to compile a list of invoices with payments applied during a designated month.

Jack Ring

Business Scenario:

Our Manufacturing & Distribution client approached us with a request to develop a saved search showcasing payments applied to invoices within a given month. This client caters to major retailers like Walmart, Home Depot, and Amazon, where deductions from payments are common. To enhance Accounts Receivable automation, we had previously implemented a complimentary suite solution for deduction management and small balance write-offs. In the context of our search, scenarios may involve Customer Payment transactions paired with Journal Entries to settle an invoice's full open balance. This saved search solution accommodates such complexities.

Achieving the Goal:


The results obtained from our query vividly display invoices with diverse dates. Any payment events occurring within the specified month are prominently featured in this list. In cases where a payment leaves an open balance, we exhibit the original amount. It's worth noting that our results are customizable, allowing us to filter, sort, print, email, or export them in Excel, CSV, or PDF formats.


Illustration of NetSuite's underlying data structure, diagramming the relationship between an invoice and all transactions applied to settle the open balance.

Configuring the Search Criteria:


Configuring the Result Columns:


Implementing Useful Filters:



For companies utilizing NetSuite, the Saved Search functionality remains a pivotal tool for swiftly constructing and modeling concise datasets. A deep understanding of NetSuite's underlying data structure empowers you to extract superior data, enabling you to pinpoint indicators crucial for enhancing customer satisfaction and scalability.

For further information or to explore the benefits of leveraging Saved Search, Analytics Workbooks, and Reporting in NetSuite for your business, feel free to reach out to us. contact us.

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