Bank Deposit Process in NetSuite

Make a Deposit in NetSuite to record funds you deposit into your bank account. Record Customer payments in the Undeposited Funds bank account. Use deposits to move funds from your undeposited funds bank account to your GL bank account when payments are physically deposited into the bank. This allows you to keep your GL bank account balance and the Actual bank account in sync.

Jack Ring

The Bank Deposit Process



Navigate to Transactions > Bank > Make Deposits or Financial > Banking > Make Deposits.

Under the Payments subtab is a list of payments recorded to the Undeposited Funds Account. Only transactions created in the same subsidiary are displayed. Under the Other Deposits subtab record any additional funds to deposited. Click save and your GL accounts are in sync with your bank account. Mark To Be Printed if you wish to print the deposit. To print navigate to Financial > Banking > Print Checks and Forms. Select Print Deposits, select the bank account and mark all deposits you want to print. Validate by referencing the bank account register.

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